Now I am packing for my big fall break adventure :) Kristen and I will be traveling in Prague and around Poland, here is what our schedule for the next week looks like:
18:00 22/10 - 12:15 23/10 = Florence to Prague by bus
21:30 26/10 - 6:30 27/10 = Prague to Krakow by train
15:09 - 18:08 28/10 = Krakow to Warsaw by train
12:35 - 19:55 31/10 = Warsaw to Pisa by plane, Pisa to Florence by bus
Yep, we have an 18 hour bus ride ahead of us. Fuuuun. But it was cheap! We are visiting a friend in Warsaw, and can't wait to see her again! Last time was when we were about 13 years old in Verona, she took a 24 hour bus ride to see us.
On Monday, the 1st of November we have school off for All Saint's Day. That day, we are hopping on a bus to go to Lucca for the Comics and Games Convention. So excited, according to Wikipedia: "With almost 140,000 visitors a year, it is the second most popular fair in Europe (after the Angoulême Comics Festival, in France) and the third in the world (the first is the Comiket in Tokyo, Japan)."
I won't be able to post for the rest of the month, but I will have PLENTY to write and show you when I get back!
Until then,