Anyways, just wanted to include in this quick post that a few weeks ago for our last Intro to Renaissance Art class before the final we spent the entire time in the Uffizi! This is basically a huge museum with some of the most famous Renaissance paintings. Some of them you might be interested in...
- Cimabue - MaestÃ
- Giotto - Ognisanti Madonna
- Leonardo - Adorazione dei Magi, L'Annuciazione
- Michelangelo - Tondo Doni
- Botticelli - La Nascita di Venere, La Primavera, Pallade e il Centauro, La Madonna della Melagrama
- Raffaello - Madonna del Cardellino, Ritratto di Leone X con i cardinali Giulio de' Medici e Luigi de' Rossi
- Titziano - Venere di Urbino
And I never did mention that we ended up seeing the real David twice (once in class and once with our friend). It is in the Galleria dell'Accademia and was completed by Michelangelo when he was only 29 years old. It is 17 feet tall and used to be outside the Palazzo Vecchio (where the other replica is). It symbolizes the intellectual strength of the city of Florence.
See you soon, North Carolina.