Friday, September 10, 2010

Interesting Things...

Here are a few interesting things that I wanted to note after living here for just over a week:

1. A lot of Italians here take great care in the way they look. I've seen many people walking around on the cobblestones and even riding bikes in suits and high heels.

2. Our Current Trends in Italian Cuisine professor talked about wine in class for a bit and she made a very good point: Italians view wine as food; it is part of the meal. This is why you sip and do not chug it and why you have it with (or maybe before) your food. Italians find it very, very strange when in American movies, they go out just to have a glass of wine at a bar.
Also, a few years ago, they made it illegal to serve alcohol to those under 16. When I was in Verona 7 years ago, there was no drinking limit. I was 12 and could order beer at a restaurant (which some of my classmates did). It's not considered a big deal to drink here. Parents would introduce it to their children at a young age by pouring a little bit with some water. Recently, however, kids are watching the American movies and TV shows and seeing how they act with alcohol and are going a little overboard with it. That's why they introduced the law.

3. One downside to living here: I feel like I am getting tons of second hand smoke from the amount of people who smoke cigarettes.

4. They wash a lot of the streets and piazzas EVERY morning (or at least when I've had my early 8:00 class Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday this week). That is a lot of water, I hope it is reused somehow.

5. It is also illegal for people with no permit to be selling fake goods on the streets. They are usually just standing around with the goods in their hands or on a sheet or cardboard stand. You will even see signs prohibiting tourists from buying from them, and the street vendors standing right in front of the signs. Granted, they do flee when they hear or see the police coming. Many of these people are immigrants from Africa because Italy is so close and a huge tourist spot (especially in Florence). If the cops catch someone buying from these people, they will usually charge the buyer instead of the seller with the fine because they will actually have the money to pay it.

6. I think Kristen and I are going to die of cuteness with all the small dogs and puppies here. It will never get old though.

I also put up a new post in the Recipes page, you should take a look!


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