Sunday, September 12, 2010

The Viareggio Beach

Yesterday, Kristen and I took a 1 hour and 15 minute bus ride to the beach at Viareggio. The weather was beautiful and it was the perfect day trip. Now, I know the first thing that popped into your heads when I mentioned beach in Europe...

Topless women. We actually only saw one topless woman, but there were of course many grannies in bikinis and men in speedos. Generally, older, out of shape men. This was actually the norm and trunks were the exception (at least on the older men).

Anyway, let's move on to the pictures...

 The ride there

The road next to the beach had a lot of neat buildings

Disco World!

A female Pikachu?

Yep, you can win a soccer ball. Not bad for one of these grabber games.


Hammer pants are in this summer

That's a lot of umbrellas. You had to pay for one and to go on the beach, except for a very small part of the beach that was free (but you could still walk all along the beach).

Kristen is happy!

Lifeguard stand

And his boat

Old man wearing a speedo

The statue is neat too

The pier is really nice


We think someone was selling clothes. There were also a lot of vendors walking on the beach trying to sell you sunglasses, purses, a massage, etc. They were pretty annoying.

See the rest on Picasa:

Viareggio Beach


  1. Don't forget the guy who was selling winter coats, cause that's what I need when I'm at the beach.

  2. so where's the picture of the naked lady?

  3. Well, I didn't have any butter with me, so it wasn't really worth it.
